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Your branded mobile app uses many of the same settings as consumer mode, so when it comes to troubleshooting booking problems, it's best to examine your MINDBODY software first.

In this article, we'll go over a few possible reasons why a client may have trouble booking through your branded mobile app—and what you can do to help.


Step 1: Verify that the client's account is synced with your branded mobile app

Does the client see all of their pricing options in the app?

If your client sees their pricing options and is still unable to book, please proceed to Step 2.

If your client can't see their pricing options, they may not be properly synced or logged in to the app. Ask them to uninstall, then reinstall, the app from the App Store or Google Play Store. This will ensure they are using the most recent version of the app. Once they have re-downloaded the app, have them attempt to log in again.

Do they need to reset their password?

Clients who don’t know which email address or password to use should request a password reset email:

How do I change or reset my password? (iOS)

How do I change or reset my password? (Android)

After logging in to the app, ask the client to attempt to book or request a service with your business. Your client will be asked to fill out any missing required fields or liability waivers that haven’t been completed, and should then be allowed to proceed with booking.

Have you checked for duplicate accounts?

If the above steps have been completed, and your client is still unable to book through the app, then your client may have a duplicate account on file with your business. If this is the case, it's likely your client's branded app has been synced to an incorrect client profile.

You may search for a duplicate account by looking up the client's name, email address, ID number, or phone number in your software, or simply use the Locate Duplicate Clients tool. If two or more accounts are found, you should merge them together—taking care to retain the client's primary account.

Note: If a client's name or email differs from the information entered about them in your core software, the accounts will not sync. An example of this is a recently married person's name change. Their maiden name may be in the core software's database, but they may be entering their new name in the app.

Click here to learn how to merge client accounts, as well as view the information that will be retained or lost in the merge.

Step 2: Check the class for online signup restrictions

There may be a scheduling restriction active in your MINDBODY software that's preventing the client from booking. When this is the case, your client will encounter the same booking error in both your branded mobile app and in consumer mode. Here are a couple of examples of the types of restrictions that would prevent a client from booking:

If you're unsure of which scheduling restrictions are enabled for a particular class, click here to learn how to check. Once resolved, ask your client to try booking again.

Step 3: Check your other settings

Sometimes a client can't book because there isn't room for them in that particular class. If you haven't already checked, head over to your Classes tab and verify that the class and waitlist are not full. If the class and waitlist are full, you can edit the capacity by clicking on the name of the class from the Classes tab. Learn more about editing your existing scheduled classes here.

Sometimes a client can't book because they've already signed up for a class during that time frame. If you'd like to allow clients to book classes that overlap, enable the "Duplicate/overlapping client reservations/sign-ins" through Class & Enrollment Options in your site. Keep in mind that the client won't be able to sign up for the same class twice - just those classes that overlap.

Step 4: Pricing Option settings

If your business doesn't allow unpaid online signups, the "Book" button might not appear in the branded mobile app for clients who haven't purchased a pricing option. If they are an existing customer with available pricing, there might be an issue with their pricing option that is preventing them from signing up for the class. Click on the links below to learn more.