Post Conversion Comparison

The conversion from RainMaker to MINDBODY can generate data that may be inconstant with the source software. This requires you to double check the data after the conversion is complete by comparing reports in RainMaker to reports in MINDBODY to make sure the process resulted in accurate autopays, customer lists, membership assignment, membership cancellations, and remaining sessions.

The data extracted from Rainmaker and provided to MINDBODY does not distinguish between Cancelled memberships and Active memberships. After the data conversion is complete, you will need to go into your own personal files or run a report in Rainmaker that includes the names of all the customers who have cancelled their membership at your studio. Print the list and look up each customer in MINDBODY and ,if needed, cancel out the membership which was assigned to them, avoiding further billing in the future. Some comparisons must be made from the individual customer's Account Details page, Autopay Schedule, and/or Profile page in MINDBODY as not all information may be on one specific report and may be located in a few different pages of the site.

Be sure to check for more content in the Post Conversion section of iLoveKickboxing's Learning Center which outlines how to remedy some of the most commonly occurring errors to occur in the site post-conversion.

Reports in RainMaker

  • Future Payments Report (next 30 days) - Run this report in RainMaker then go into your studio's MINDBODY site and make sure all the people who appear on the report are suppose to be paying you were converted properly. Go to each member's profile and check the following information was converted correct:
    • Membership Type
    • Payment Amount
    • Payments Remaining
    • Next Payment Due Date
    • Classes Remaining
    • Expiration Date

  • Classes Remaining Report (setting from 1-120) - Print out a list of all class card members that are currently paying and those who have finished paying. Go into all member's profiles and make sure the remaining sessions are correct. Also, for Class Card members who have finished paying/have a few payments left, make sure additional payments were not added and the current quantity of payments are correct. Make sure expiration date is correct as well and adjust if necessary.

Reports in MINDBODY

  • Autopay Detail - The report displays a list of the current day's scheduled autopays. This report provides the date, client name, phone, location, item, credit card information, charge amount, and the transaction status (e.g., Scheduled, Successful, Declined, etc.) associated with each transaction. Compare the customers and the amount scheduled for for all future autopay dates starting with the first scheduled autopay date in MINDBODY after the conversion
  • Visits Remaining - This report shows you the number of visits that remain on each client's prepaid pass or limited-visit pricing options (also known as count series). This report is used to review PIFs and ensure that clients have active pricing options until their next autopay schedule date. This report will provide insight on the duration that a client has to use their remaining sessions.
  • Pricing Option Expirations - Find out which clients have series that are expiring soon. This will allow you to see when PIFs are going to be no longer active. You can also use this report to review memberships and make sure duration match up with the duration you are seeing in previous software.
  • Membership - This report breaks down how many individual clients are members, who is a new member, and which members are scheduled to expire.It also breaks down how many people are members by Membership type.