Learning Objectives

Some customers who sign up for a class after the conversion to MINDBODY may appear in the Class Roster as 'Unpaid', but you and the customer both know they should have a valid membership to pay for this class. This may be a result of faulty data being extracted from RainMaker in preparation for the conversion, and the member may not currently have a valid membership. This is usually due to an incorrect pricing option Activation or Deactivation Date, and this is how you can absorb an unpaid class into a membership.

This is unlikely to occur with monthly unrestricted memberships and is most likely to occur with yearly Paid in Full (PIF) options, or limited class pass memberships such as the 35 CC or 65 CC Membership

Note: This should not be treated as a fix-all for students with unpaid classes, but should only ever be used if you believe the customer should have a valid membership on the day of class.

Absorbing a Class into a Membership

The first indication that a customer's membership is not currently Active, and able to pay for an upcoming class, is either the customer's inability to book a class online or on the app, or a customer appearing as Unpaid in the Class Roster (see below) when booked by staff.


  1. Go to the customer's Account Details page
  2. Locate the membership that is incorrectly Inactive Edit to the right of the pricing option.
  3. Try to identify what is incorrect about the customer's membership pricing option.
    • In this case it appears the Activation Date and Sessions are correct, but notice the Duration is set to 5 months when a 65 CC Membership should be valid for at least 12 months.
  4. Make the necessary updates to the pricing option's edit page, and then check the Active checkbox.
  5. Click Save
  6. Back on the customer's Account Details page, notice the membership pricing option now appears under the Active section in green.
  7. In this case notice there is also
  8. Unpaid Visits
  9. appearing in red, which should be paid for by the membership you just edited.
  10. Click Recalculate to reset the membership and absorb the class attendance into the membership.

Notice the Remaining Sessions has been reduced by 1, which is that previously Unpaid Visit before Recalculating.

... and notice the member's class now appears as paid in the class roster.