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Don’t let unused passes go to waste. Reconnect with clients who have dropped off before they’ve used all their sessions as a means to engage with them and continue building the relationship. Clients who finish all their sessions are more likely to re-purchase and reminding them to take full advantage of their purchase builds goodwill. It’s also an easy opener to get feedback on how to improve the client experience better.

You may run into situations where clients have let their unused sessions expire. Alternatively, clients’ sessions may have expired during a period when the business was closed. Re-activating these expired sessions or providing them with a buy-back program gives your clients access to finish what they started while giving your business an opportunity to keep them coming back.


Gathering your client list

Our first step is to find the clients whose pricing option is either expired or about to expire.

We’ll use the Pricing Option Expiration report to locate them. Setting the date range accurately is important if you’re contacting clients with expired, unused sessions. If these sessions expired during a business closure, we recommend setting the Start Date and End Date to match that of your business closure. You can also extend the End Date out if you'd like to be proactive in reaching out to ones expiring soon after your business reopens.

Next, we’ll use a series of tools to narrow down our search results. This will give us the list of clients we’re looking for so that we can invite them back to the business.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create this list. Follow the link, then let’s meet back here when you’re ready.

Winning your clients back

Now we have our list, there are several tools and tactics that we can use to check in with these clients. Here are a few ideas on how you can reach out to them:

  • In the last step from the guide above, we ended up in the Mailing List report at the end of the last step. You can tag this final list of clients and run this report to obtain their email addresses. Then, you can send them an email directly via your business’ email domain.
  • You can use the Marketing Suite to create a Static List. A benefit of using this tool are the message templates, which can be designed to look professional to showcase your brand. You can choose to send this as an SMS message, email, or both.
  • Using the results from the Mailing List report, you can copy and paste the phone numbers into your Bowtie account and send a mass text.

As for messaging- Ultimately, how you engage should come from your existing sales playbook. However, if you’re sending out texts and emails to contact clients, here are a few tag lines to get you started:

  • “It's not too late to use your unused passes.”
  • “Your sessions are expired. We can fix that.”
  • "Pick up where you left off.”
  • "We’ve missed you!”
  • "Get back to your workout/routine/practice/mat”

Re-activating expired sessions

As clients respond to you, expressing interest in finishing their unused sessions, you’ll need to re-activate their pricing option by extending the expiration date (or ‘duration’ in Mindbody lingo).

To view how to re-activate the pricing option, click here.

Lastly, when the client returns to your business to finish their passes, don’t forget to take this opportunity to talk with your clients about the things your business can do to keep them coming back, so you can re-sell or upsell based on their needs.

Running a buy-back program

Alternatively, offering a buy-back program where clients can buy the unused sessions at a reduced rate is a proven method that encourages clients to come back and recoups any losses you would encounter by extending the clients’ access to your services.

To do this, we recommend setting up a drop-in pricing option with the reduced per/session rate. Instead of reactivating their expired pricing options, you’ll simply sell the special buyback pricing option and input the number of sessions they’ll be buying back. When setting up this new option, you’ll want to think about their expiration duration and won’t want to sell it online. This way, they must communicate with you giving you an opportunity to build that relationship.

Reselling or upselling to clients when they're low on sessions

Another fruitful way to keep the relationship with your clients and the revenue stream flowing is to catch pricing options that are low on sessions and to remind clients to make another purchase before they run out. To find and target these clients, we recommend that you set up the ‘Pricing Option Running Out’ Smart List in your Marketing Suite.

The smart list will search out and create a dynamic list of clients whose sessions are running low. The list is automatically linked and easily accessible to the other features in the Marketing Suite. Then, you can get in the habit of sending bi-monthly or monthly campaigns or automations to keep clients informed that it’s time to re-buy.