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When customers join a Live Stream class, their experience and the quality of it can be heavily dependent on the type of browser they use. Some browsers don't even work at all, and this can cause unnecessary frustration.To remedy this problem we've released a desktop app called Mindbody Live that consumers can download to their computer and use to view Live Streams. This creates a singular, uniform experience for the customer - regardless of their preferred browser.Here is a brief overview of how the app works:

  1. Click on the link to join or start a live stream class.
  2. Click the Download the Mindbody Live app linkUser-added image

  3. Click Open Mindbody on your browser's confirmation message.User-added image

You'll only need to download the app to your computer once. Moving forward, you can click Launch Live Stream to hop into class. The app will run in the background, ensuring your live stream class runs smoothly.

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