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The marketing tools in the Mindbody Marketing Suite are extremely powerful and can be used for a wide variety of different marketing campaign types. We'll be going over three specific uses of the marketing tools when you are looking to advertise or grant access of your Video on Demand (VOD) content to your clients.

We'll be using the Marketing Suite's new virtual classes and services email templates to create our campaign and automations.

The three options we will cover are:

  • Send a one-time email blast announcing you have video content
  • Give your clients who have purchased a pricing option, or have a membership, access to your video content
  • Give your existing members free access to your video content, and encourage everyone else to purchase access to your videos

Option 1: Send a one-time email blast announcing you have VOD content

Sending out an email blast will be done using a one-time scheduled email campaign.

  1. Go to the Marketing tab and click "Campaigns."
  2. Click "Create campaign" and choose any of our new email templates, such as Announce Virtual Services.
  3. Add your messaging. Specifically, indicate that your VOD offerings are now available.
  4. Make sure to hover over the wording and press the "+" and then select "Button/Link" in order to add a link to your Mindbody video library or your website with information on accessing the videos.
  5. Change the wording on the button to "View Video on Demand" or something similar.
  6. When you've finished composing your email, click "Next" on the top right. You may also choose "Preview and Test" first if you prefer to see what the email will look like before it's sent out.
  7. Since you want your email to go to all of your clients, you'll leave the bubble selected for "All Contacts."
  8. Next, you'll enter a name, subject line, and time.
  9. The name is solely for your own personal reference. For example, "VOD Announcement 2020."
  10. The subject line is going to be what your clients see.
  11. You may want to schedule this to go out immediately, or the next day. If you schedule it to go out in a few days, you have the ability to go back in and make changes if you forget anything.

Option 2: Give clients access when they purchase a "VOD access fee" pricing option or a "VOD Membership" contract

For this option, you'll need to create a special "VOD access fee" pricing option or "VOD Membership." Then, you'll create an automation that sends an email out to anyone who purchases that pricing option or signs up for the contract.

We won't go over creating those services here. If you need a refresher, check out our pricing options article and creating contracts video.

  1. Go to the Marketing tab and click on “Automations.”
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and click "Create new automation."
  3. On the top right, enter a name and description.
  4. One example would be to name it "VOD Video Access notification" and in the description put "This email goes out to clients who have purchased the video access pricing option/membership and it sends them our VOD link." None of this is visible to your clients, so use as much detail as necessary.
  5. Next, for "Who it's sent to," click the pencil icon.
  6. For "Send to" leave it on "Contacts on ALL the lists below" and in the "Add List" drop-down, select "Purchased - Video Access Fee" or whatever the name of the pricing option is that you created. If it's a membership you created, then choose "Members - VOD Members" instead (or whatever you named it).
  7. Click "Save" at the bottom, since we won't be setting up any exceptions. Note: If clients have already bought this fee or contract, make sure to enroll them by checking the box at the bottom. Otherwise, they won't ever receive this email.
  8. For "What to send," click the pencil icon.
  9. We'll leave both "Email" and "Text" checked for this example.
  10. Since we want this to go out immediately so our clients get access right away, we won't be including a delay, so we'll leave that be.
  11. Let's set up the email by clicking in the box under "Send this email."
  12. We'll choose any of our new email templates, such as Announce Virtual Services or Announce Virtual Classes.
  13. We'll customize this email to thank our clients for buying access to our VOD content and also give them instructions for locating it. Ideally, our clients have already been sent an email letting them know VOD content exists (which we covered in Option 1), so this is simply a "Thank you" and a link to what we have on offer. We can include a link to our Mindbody video library, or a link to our website (or both!).
  14. When we're done customizing this, we'll click "Finished" on the top right.
  15. Now, in the text message box, we'll want to write something like "Thank you for buying access to our Video on Demand services! Check your email for our link and thank you so much for being a part of our community." Note: Unlike a campaign, we don't need to schedule anything for the automation. Once a client buys access, the email is sent automatically. This isn't a mass email that goes out all at once.
  16. Since we're finished, we'll click "Save."
  17. The final step is to click "Looks Good, Turn It On" to enable the automation.

Option 3: Grant clients on memberships free access and require anyone else who wants access to purchase a new "VOD Membership" contract

This option is solely for giving VOD access to existing memberships as a free additional benefit. This will be sent to both current members and any new members who sign up.

  1. Go to the Marketing tab and choose "Automations."
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and click "Create new automation."
  3. On the top right, enter a name and description. In this example, we'll name this "VOD Video Access for members" and in the description, we'll put "This email goes out to members to give them access to our VOD link." Note: None of this will be visible to your clients, so feel free to put as much detail as you want here.
  4. Next, for "Who it's sent to," click the pencil icon.
  5. For "Send to" leave it on "Contacts on ALL of the lists below" and in the "Add List" drop-down, select "Members - Gold Members" or whatever the name of your original membership is that you want to be given access to your VOD content. If you have more than one membership you want to give access, continue selecting those in the "Add List" drop-down.
  6. We won't be setting up any exceptions, so we'll just click "Save" at the bottom.
  7. Be sure to check the box at the bottom to enroll all of your current members into this automation - otherwise they'll never receive it.
  8. For "What to send" click the pencil icon.
  9. Leave both "Email" and "Text" checked in this example.
  10. Since we want this to go out immediately so our clients get access right away, we won't be including a delay.
  11. Let's set up the email by clicking in the box under "Send this email."
  12. We'll choose any of our new email templates, such as Announce Virtual Services or Announce Virtual Classes.
  13. We'll customize this email to say something like "As part of being a Gold Member, we are making our new VOD offer a free benefit." Ideally, your clients have already been sent an email letting them know your VOD content exists and how to buy access, so this is simply a "Thank you" notice with a link.
  14. We'll include a link to our Mindbody video library, a link to our best video content, or our website.
  15. When we're done customizing this email, we'll click "Finished" on the top right.
  16. Now, in the text message box, we'll want to write something like "As part of being a Gold Member, you now have access to our VOD services. Check your email for the link. Thank you!"
  17. Since we're finished here, we'll click "Save" and then "Looks Good, Turn It On."

For more information on our virtual wellness platform, check out our Support Center articles for Mindbody video and sharing videos to learn all of the other ways you can share videos with your clients.