Running an MIA Report
iLoveKickboxing : No Return Report
Learning Objective: This report and steps will help you identify clients who have not visited in a certain date range. Based on the filters you’ve set, the report will generate a list of clients who visited your business between certain dates but hasn’t been back since. You will use this report to gain marketing insights that allow you to re-attract clients who may have stopped using your services.
1. Click on the Reports tab, then Clients on the left side.
2. Click on Visits & Retention in the filter section.

3. Scroll down and click on No Return to open the report.

4. You will then want to set filters before running the report.

Filters and terminology
Report filters
5. Click Generate to run the report. Once report is generated you will want to click on the Export symbol to do further editing on Excel.

6. After exporting report results to Excel, you will want to open Excel sheet. On Excel sheet, click on square at told left of spreadsheet which will highlight entire Excel sheet. Once sheet highlighted, click on Merge & Center and select Unmerge Cells.

7. After Unmerging cells, make sure sheet is highlighted and click on Sort&Filter dropdown. Select the view you would like and this will put the excel sheet results in that order.

Looking to see clients who have fallen off 10 days ago and beyond?
Today Date: 1/21/20
Date Range Selection - Enter any start date maybe 1/20/2019 and set end date to 1/11/20.
This will show you members who came between 1/20/2019 and 1/11/20 and never came back.