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Whether you're building a newsletter, making an announcement, or pushing your latest promotion, we provide a wide-ranging series of templates for your marketing campaign needs. And if you can't find the perfect template, then we provide the tools for you to build your own.

How to Optimize Your Campaign

  • Use a catchy subject line. Be sure to include a catchy phrase to entice customers to open your email. Include emojis but refrain from exclamation marks.
  • Give your customers worthy content. Use emails to educate and add value to your customers versus promoting sales all of the time. Quality content gets read.
  • Feature your customers. Highlight customer milestones, journeys, or a "Members of the Month". Use emails to share a customer’s story and provide social proof.
  • Provide CTAs (call to action) Buttons. Make your emails have an actionable item such as sharing on social media, book a class or workshop, or download the app.
  • Learn more about email deliverability in our one-pager.